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Topics for November
Nov. 25
1 Furukawa ends 5 1/2-month ISS stay
Daio ex-chief held, admits breach of trust
Nov. 21
  1Q84: What I write about when I write about writing

Nov. 16 理系学生こそ英語を身につけよう
     Importance of English for science major students
Nov. 9 深夜営業店が強盗対策
     Late-night eateries ripe for robbery
Nov. 7 G-20サミットでの首相スピーチ
     Speech at G-20 by Mr. Noda
Nov. 5 日本の政界・経済界での男女格差は?
     Japanese female political empowerment below curve
Nov.3 開胸手術なしで大動脈心臓弁を設置
     Aortic heart valve placed without open-heart surgery
Nov.1 ワサビで火災探知
      Wasabi-scented smoke detector

Daio ex-chief held, admits breach of trust
1 Ikawa instructed seven subsidiaries to remit a total of \10.68
             子会社     送金する
billion in 26 installments to various bank accounts.
2 He provided no further elaboration.
3 Daio Paper filed a criminal complaint against Ikawa for causing
\8.58 biliion in damages to the group companies.
4 The loans had been extended without collateral or prior approval by the company's board.        担保

Furukawa ends 5 1/2-month ISS stay
1 Fukuzawa conducted a string of medical experiments, including on
the establishment of a remote diagnosis system to enable ground control staff to monitor astronauts' physical conditions.

2 Fukuzawa frequently posted messages to his Twitter accountdetailing life aboard the ISS, including changes in his physical condition.自分のツイッターにメッセージを載せて、国際宇宙ステーションでの生活を詳しく報告した

Nov. 21
1Q84:What I write about when I write about writing
 However, Murakami appears to not to fully trust that his reader will get what is going on and repeats character traits and narrative riffs as if the heft of the novel will overwhelm any of us brave enough to lift its near 1,000 pages.
 下線部は、Murakami appears to ( not to fully ) trust that S+V. と考え、以下のように訳す。
 Where Orwell's satire bites like a cobra, Murakami's fangs are made blunt by his constant explanations and excessive use of poor similes, "Then I want him to come inside me and stir me with all his might,
like spoon in a cup of cocoa, slowly, to the very bottom."
 It is through simile and metaphor that we explain our world, yet Murakami's "1Q84"(the other world of 1984) seems constructed of cliches and repetition.
 Steve Finbow氏曰く、「我々は自分の世界観をメタファーによって説明するが、村上氏の1984では、陳腐な表現や繰り返しが多いように思えた。」。たとえば、上の
赤字の部分だ。そう言われれば、1Q84 では、斬新で思わず唸ってしまうようなメタファーは少なかったように思える。

Nov. 16 Importance of English for science major students
 English is one of the most essential tools in science studies for students in any county as it is the common language used in research papers and at international conference. In the area of my research, publishing papers or giving oral presentations in Japanese
wouldn’t count.

 Students majoring in the science, math and engineering fields, especially in their graduate programs, are required to use English on a daily basis, reading and writing papers, in addition to occasionally participating in international conferences.

 Because researchers in the same field share the same kind of knowledge and community, discussing one’s research with fellow international researchers in English is
much easier than engaging in regular English conversations. As soon as students realize this, they gain confidence and study English harder.

Nov. 9 Late-night eateries ripe for robbery

1 a favorite target of robbers 強盗の格好の標的
2 outlet 店舗
3 account for 90 percent of all gyudon diners that were victims of stickups
4 to counter the situation 現状に対処するために
5 late-night clientele 深夜の客
6 Sukiya outlets appear vulnerable  襲われやすい
7 154 restaurants were held up last year. 強盗に押し入られた
8 Some outlets are suburban and have little foot traffic.人通りが少ない

9 There is enough work late at night, such as checking inventory and cleaning up in preparation for the next day, to justify the added payroll. 深夜の仕事に二人勤務を当てても、在庫整理や清掃などそれに見合うだけの仕事はあります。

10 A Sukiya worker
sustained a minor injury when his outlet was robbed in September.     軽傷を負った

Many gyudon chains forgo the meal-ticket vending machines because they lessen the opportunity of workers and customers to interact.

11 After all, having only one person at an outlet is the worst way to go about it. いずれにしても、従業員を一人しか置かないのが、取組として最も大きな問題だ。

12 Zensho will probably keep the prices unchanged for the time being because customers won't like the idea of covering the company’s security costs, and
Zensho is smart enough to know it.        ゼンショウもそのことは十分承知している。

Nov. 7 Speech at G-20 by Mr. Noda
 Europe needs to be united in order to over come the current ctisis and take necessary steps to cope with the problems.
At the same time each of the G-20 countries has to tackle its own pressing issues while coordinating its efforts with the actions of other nations.
 The priority for Japan is reconstruction from the Great East Japan Earthquake. In order to achieve both fiscal rehabilitation and economic growth,
Japan also needs to establish plans for an integrated reform of the social security and tax systems, as well as a growth strategy for revival of its economy. I intend to express our determination to tackle these challenges at the G-20 summit.
 The G-20 countries have to tackle its own pressing issues while coordinatiing with other nations.
 Japan also needs to reform the social security and tax systems.

  Nov. 5
Japanese female political empowerment
below curve

 The level of political empowerment of Japanese women is more than two times lower than the world average, according to a report on gender equality released Tuesday by the World Economic Forum.
The influence that Japanese women wield over political decision-making processes is only 7.2 percent of the level of their male counterparts, against a world average of 18.5 percent. “A system where women are not represented at the highest levels is both an unequal and an inefficient system.” Japan ranks 101 out of the 135 countries. From a more general perspective on gender equality, the forum’s Gender Gap Index for 2011 pout Japan in 98th position. The index includes economic, educational and health-related considerations in addition to political empowerment.

・narrow the gender gap    男女格差を埋める
・the gap widened       格差が広がる
・ the situation worsened   状況は悪化した

・So women are starting to be as healthy and as educated as men, and yet, are not being channeled into the economy, into decision-making structures.

・The survey shows that a number of relatively poor countries have made major strides to close the gender gap and rank in the top 25.

・They outranked Russia, China and Brazil.


  Nov. 3
FDA approves first artificial aortic heart valve placed without open-heart surgery

 The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today approved the first artificial heart valve that can replace an aortic heart valve damaged by senile aortic valve stenosis without open-heart surgery.
 Senile aortic valve stenosis is a progressive, age-related disease caused by calcium deposits on the aortic valve that cause the valve to narrow. As the heart works harder to pump enough blood through the smaller valve opening, the heart eventually weakens, which can lead to problems such as fainting, chest pain, heart failure, irregular heart rhythms (arrhythmias), or cardiac arrest.
 Once symptoms of senile aortic stenosis occur, more than half of patients die within two years. To restore normal blood flow, patients with severe aortic valve stenosis need open-heart surgery to replace the diseased valve. However, the procedure is too risky for some patients.
 “Surgery to replace the aortic valve is an effective treatment for severe senile aortic valve stenosis. The Sapien Transcatheter Heart Valve (THV) is an example of an innovative new device that will provide some people with this condition who can’t undergo open heart surgery with the option of valve replacement,” said Jeffrey Shuren, M.D., director of the FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health. “The agency remains committed to working with companies who are developing breakthrough treatments that will have a significant impact on patient care in the U.S.”
 The Sapien THV is made of cow tissue and polyester supported with a stainless steel mesh frame. To replace the diseased valve, the Sapien THV is compressed into the end of a long, thin, tube-like device called a delivery catheter. The delivery catheter, which is slightly wider than a pencil, and the Sapien THV are inserted into the femoral artery through a small cut in the leg and threaded to the site of the diseased valve. The heart valve is then released from the delivery catheter and expanded with a balloon and is immediately functional.
 The FDA’s approval of the Sapien THV is based on a study in 365 patients who were not eligible for open-heart surgery. Half of the patients received the Sapien valve. The other study patients received another treatment that did not require open-heart surgery. One alternative procedure involved enlarging the aortic valve opening by stretching it with a balloon (balloon valvuloplasty).
 Patients receiving the Sapien valve experienced two and a half times more strokes and eight times as many vascular and bleeding complications than patients who did not receive the implant; however, they were more likely to survive one year after surgery. After a year, 69 percent of the Sapien patients were alive compared with 50 percent of those who received an alternative treatment.
 Edwards Lifescience, the manufacturer of the Sapien THV, will continue to evaluate the outcomes with the Sapien THV through a national Transcatheter Valve Therapy (TVT) registry. The Society of Thoracic Surgeons and the American College of Cardiology have been working with the FDA and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to facilitate the creation of the national TVT registry that will serve as a platform for continued evaluation of post market experience with this and future transcatheter devices and procedures for the treatment of aortic stenosis.
 The most common serious and potentially life-threatening side effects in patients receiving the Sapien valve and the procedure to implant the valve include death, stroke, perforation of the blood vessels, ventricle or valvular structures, damage to the conduction system in the heart, significant bleeding, and leaks around the new valve.
 The Sapien THV is approved for patients who are not eligible for open-heart surgery for replacement of their aortic valve and have a calcified aortic annulus (calcium build-up in the fibrous ring of the aortic heart valve). The product label advises that a heart surgeon should be involved in determining if the Sapien THV is an appropriate treatment for the patient.
 It is not approved for patients who can be treated by open-heart surgery. Patients who have congenital heart valve anomalies, have masses or an infection in their hearts, or cannot tolerate anticoagulation/antiplatelet therapy should not receive the Sapien THV.

Wasabi-scented smoke detector

 Genius, as Thomas Edison put it, may be 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration, but inventing the groundbreaking wasabi-scented smoke detector, which emit a strong wasabi scent instead of an ear-piercing screech, also involved respiration, and literally a lot of lost sleep, the winner of this year's Ig Nobel Prize in chemistry revealed Wednesday in Tokyo.
The unique research won Tanemura's team the prestigious award, which "honors achievements that first make people laugh and then make them think," according to the organizer.
 Experiments for the invention began in 2000, with the help of employees of Biwako Hospital in Shiga Prefecture and people with hearing disabilities. A total of 31 people were asked to fall asleep just to have the pungent smell of wasabi wake them up.
 Nailing down the ideal density of the wasabi odor turned out to be the key element, but before it even got to that stage the researchers had to work through a lot of substances before settling on the strong smell of the Japanese horseradish.

 We tried everything in the beginning from the smell of fresh baked bread, coffee, miso soup and peppermint. But no one woke up with those. Many experts warned it is impossible to wake someone up with ordinary scents, because a sleeping person’s sense of smell is also in rest mode. A survey found that more than 40 percent of people with hearing disabilities are concerned about a fire breaking out while they are asleep. As many as 700 million people across the world benefit from the wasabi smoke detector.